
Transformational Healing Session $180 CAD · 90 minutes

Are you ready to break free from what's been holding you back? Our Transformative Healing Session is your gateway to a profound journey of self-discovery and renewal. Through a fusion of spiritual coaching, Reiki, intuitive energy healing, and subconscious reprogramming, we're here to guide you in releasing the limitations that no longer serve you.

What Awaits You:

Holistic Approach: Our session addresses your whole being—mind, body, and soul. By targeting toxic cycles, past wounds, and lingering trauma, we pave the way for lasting change and healing.

Ancestral and Generational Release: We dive deep into energies linked to ancestral and generational trauma, allowing you to step forward unburdened by the past.

Empowering Transformation: Experience newfound clarity, reduced emotional and physical pain, and a renewed sense of courage to embrace life's challenges.

Tools for Your Journey: Alongside the session, you'll receive a collection of self-healing tools and resources to support your ongoing growth.

At the session's end, you'll have the opportunity to explore a continued path of transformation through our personalized Transformational Healing Package.

Services are available via Phone, Zoom or through a home visit in the West End/ Vancouver area ($10 fee for travel may be applicable in greater Vancouver area and Richmond)

Reiki Chakra Balancing And Aura Cleansing $120 CAD · 60 minutes

Experience the profound benefits of energetic alignment and renewal through our Reiki Chakra Balancing and Aura Cleansing session. This hour-long journey is designed for stress relief, relaxation, to dissolve blockages, harmonize your chakras, and cleanse your aura for enhanced well-being and vibrancy.

What You Can Expect:

Chakra and Body Harmonization: We'll identify and clear energy interferences within your 7 chakras, organs, and body, restoring your energetic equilibrium and promoting a smoother flow of vital energy.

Release Stagnant Energy: Let go of stagnant energy that hampers the natural energy flow. This session is ideal if you're facing challenges across the levels of mind, body, and soul.

Reiki's Healing Touch: Reiki induces a deep state of relaxation, inviting your body's natural healing abilities to flourish. It's a holistic approach to well-being that nurtures both your physical and mental state.

Complete Aura Cleanse: Our session includes a comprehensive cleanse of the 7 layers of your aura. This elevation of your vibrational frequency enhances your overall mood and well-being, while fortifying your aura's strength, making you magnetic to positive energies and opportunities.

At the session's conclusion, you'll have the opportunity to explore our Reiki Healing Package, should you wish to continue on this path of energetic transformation.

Services available via Phone, Zoom or through a home visit in the West End/ Vancouver area ($10 fee for travel may be applicable in greater Vancouver area and Richmond)

Remote Reiki Session Package $150 CAD · 120 minutes

Experience the Power of Energy Healing from Anywhere in the World

Harness the transformative energy of Reiki from the comfort of your own space with our Remote Reiki Sessions Package. You'll receive the benefits of Reiki healing, fostering balance, vitality, and holistic well-being.

How It Works:

Energetic Connection: Distance is no obstacle for the healing power of Reiki. Our remote sessions establish a strong energetic connection, allowing you to experience the benefits of Reiki regardless of your location.

Convenience and Flexibility: No need to travel. With remote sessions, you choose a time that suits your schedule. Whether you're at home, work, or anywhere else, you can receive Reiki energy with ease.

Personalized Healing: During the session, our experienced Master Reiki practitioner channels healing energy tailored to your specific needs and goals. This energy is directed to where you require it most, it also includes a full chakra balancing and clearing promoting balance and well-being.

Holistic Renewal: Remote Reiki supports your mental, emotional, and physical states, providing a comprehensive healing experience. You may feel reduced stress, enhanced relaxation, and a sense of rejuvenation. 

Experience the Transformation:

Spiritual Counselling $180 CAD · 90 minutes

Are you ready to break free from stagnant patterns and embark on a journey of self-discovery? Our collaborative effort aims to unearth and transform the patterns that no longer serve you, empowering you to pursue your dreams while shedding limiting beliefs.

Our Guiding Principles:

Deep Exploration: Together, we delve into the depths of your experiences, unravelling the layers that have held you back. I'm here to guide you toward unveiling your authentic desires and releasing the constraints that have hindered your progress.

Higher Purpose Discovery: Our journey is centred on awakening your higher purpose, helping you tap into your true self and embrace your personal truth. Regaining your sense of personal power is our shared objective.

Spiritual Alignment: We'll work together to unlock your spiritual gifts and nurture a strong connection to your source and higher self. Our aim is to guide you to embody self-love at its peak, enabling you to take control of your life and happiness.

Rewiring Subconscious Beliefs: I'll assist you in rewiring your subconscious mind, freeing you from limitations that have held you captive. This process is designed to catalyze lasting change and growth.

Taking the Next Step:

At the end of this initial session, you'll have the chance to explore our Spiritual Counselling package, should you decide to continue on this path of transformation.

Services are available via Phone, Zoom or through a home visit in the West End/ Vancouver area ($10 fee for travel may be applicable in greater Vancouver area and Richmond)

Individual Counselling $120 CAD · 60 minutes

Are you seeking a counselling experience that recognizes your uniqueness and empowers you to achieve holistic well-being? We offer a profound approach that acknowledges the intricate connections between your emotions, thoughts, body, relationships, and spirit. Farina is a Registered Social Worker. Whether you're seeking assistance for personal challenges, relationship dynamics, assistance with goals, or holistic growth, our counselling services are designed to support you across various aspects of your life.

Our Approach:

Complete Well-Being: We view you as a multifaceted individual, influenced by various aspects of your life. Our holistic approach goes beyond addressing symptoms, focusing on enhancing your overall well-being.

Empowerment and Strength: Our mission is to empower you by tapping into your innate strengths and resources. We collaborate to identify coping strategies, skills, and qualities that contribute to your personal growth.

Mind-Body Harmony: We understand the profound link between your mental and emotional states and your physical health. Through holistic counselling, we work to harmonize your mental well-being and physical vitality.

Healing from Within: Our trauma-informed approach acknowledges the impact of past experiences on your health. We help you navigate and heal from these experiences on emotional, mental, and physical levels.

Balance and Integration: Our goal is to guide you toward a balanced and integrated life. We work with you to align different facets of your being, creating a foundation for lasting well-being.

Your Personalized Journey:

Together, we co-create a tailored plan that encompasses various therapeutic modalities, self-care practices, and lifestyle adjustments to support your holistic growth.

Areas of specialization: 

Empaths & Highly Sensitive Persons 

Older Adults


Self Esteem


Life Transitions

Toxic Relationships

Chronic Pain and Illness

Nervous System Healing

Services are available via Phone, Zoom or through a home visit in the West End/ Vancouver area and Richmond ($10 fee for travel may be applicable in greater Vancouver area or Richmond)

90 minute sessions are also available for $180 plus gst.

As a registered social worker, Farina is pleased to offer you the opportunity to maximize your extended health care benefits. When you choose our counselling services, you gain access to insurance receipts that can be submitted to your provider for reimbursement.

Please note, Farina is a non-clinical social worker and does not treat mental illness, but can support individuals facing mental health struggles. If a mental illness is suspected, you will be referred to an appropriate professional for diagnosis and treatment. 

Individual Reiki Mentoring Session $150 CAD · 90 minutes

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I know the importance of mentorship for both Reiki practitioners and those practicing at home.

I began my Reiki journey in 2015, applying it in various settings, and I've encountered and addressed numerous challenges similar to those you might be facing.

Instead of trying to figure things out on your own, take advantage of my experience to find solutions more quickly, ease any anxiety or confusion, and progress in your practice.

I offer one-on-one mentoring sessions for Reiki practitioners of all levels and from any Reiki lineage or style. Whether you're looking for clarity or want to enhance your Reiki practice, we can work together to meet your needs.

What Can You Expect from a Reiki Mentoring Session?

During our 90-minute session, we'll discuss your specific questions about your personal or professional Reiki practice. 

Some common topics we might cover include:

We can also review your website or communication materials. The agenda is entirely up to you.

PLEASE NOTE: These mentoring sessions are not meant to replace formal First or Second degree Reiki training. If you require foundational Reiki training, please register for a First degree class.

This service is available via Phone, Zoom or through a home visit in the West End/ Vancouver area and Richmond ($10 fee for travel may be applicable in greater Vancouver area or Richmond)

Not sure which service you would like to book?  Lets Chat!